Poor (mainstream) men. Without makeup or hair dye, those looking for in-your-face self expression must turn to facial hair. One beard expert explains that men ditch shaving because it makes them feel special — rebellious and playful at the same time. Sounds like he's on to something since the beard(?) Brad Pitt's rocking lately sure looks . . . special.
So what about men who can't grow anything past stubble? Well, most of you say you prefer no facial hair on a guy anyway. And if these dudes are really dying for self-expression, they can always turn to guy liner.
Source: Getty
haha "sure looks... special."
1this article is begging for a picture of Marco Hietala along with the headline.
2I love, love, love, love, love my bf's beard. I'd miss it if he shaved it off. His is bigger then Brad's but much neater and more handsome looking. I'd much rather be with a guy with a beard than a guy who wears eyeliner.
3Mmm, nothing like Brad with a bit of long, grey, pube-y chin hair....yesssss...
4I love it when my man grows a bit of stubble. His stubble is so soft!
5Gee I'm in the minority. I like the way stubble looks on my hubby but even the briefest of kisses leaves me with a big red ring around the bottom half of my face. It hurts!
6I didn't shave all last week while I was in Colorado and I can attest to the fact that I felt different. It made me feel almost anti-establishment. haha
7Plus I think it made me look older and less-approachable
Stubble is fine but i hope brad doesn't grow a "castaway" beard like he did when he was with Jen.
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