My husband of seven years is a tough guy to get along with. He's outgoing and friendly with his co-workers and friends, but closed off to me. Aside from not talking about much beyond the weather and edited tales from work (I just know he's very careful about what he says to me), if I ask him a question about, say, his day, what he did, where it took him (he multi-tasks for a small company so he's all over) he gets p!ssed off, really angry and says I "quiz him". I cannot ask him anything, in any way without him becoming nasty. He gets a threatening tone and is immediately difficult. He refuses to talk to me about sex, which is not all that good anymore and he knows it, but refuses to begin resolve the issue by breaking the ice and talking about it, and he is aware that I'm hurt by his lack of affection. He's defensive and cuts me off mid sentence and talks over me to the point where I won't start a discussion anymore and he hasn't even noticed, - or maybe that was his goal afterall.

He tells me he loves me, but what he says and how he is are two totally different deals. Who is this guy?

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