This squash-faced kitteh sure has the sweet life! Not only does he get fed by hand, with chopsticks, but if his human companion servant doesn't do it fast enough, he swats her! It's good to be the king.
This squash-faced kitteh sure has the sweet life! Not only does he get fed by hand, with chopsticks, but if his human companion servant doesn't do it fast enough, he swats her! It's good to be the king.
very cute wish my cats could do that
1And I thought my Siamese was a spoiled brat! (and he is!) This little guy is so cute...what an adorable little face!
2I agree -- cute face!
3Any person who feeds their pet one piece of dried food at a time while having the pet sit up on it's hind quarters deserves to be more than swatted. That poor cat is probably starving!
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