When it comes to a man's underwear, not only do women have a strong preference, they also have a lot of influence. New research shows that men purchase their own underwear for only 17 years of their entire lives. During the other years, it's either their mothers or significant others who do the buying.
If men have no one to do their shopping, they usually wait to buy new skivvies until they're starting a new relationship. So it might help to hint to your new guy whether you prefer boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs (in fact 54 percent of TrèsSugar readers prefer boxer briefs). And if you're looking for a place to meet an available man, you might want to hang out around an underwear department — according to the research you can predict whether a man is looking for a partner by the number of underpants he buys. (I may take their advice — if those guys look like David Beckham!)
Have you ever bought underwear for your man?
For hubbie, yes.
1I buy my hubby's underwear. That way it's not always just the same ol' white boxer briefs.
2I have!
3great becks pic
4If I don't, then who will ??? =)
5He won't. Buy. His own. Underwear. I don't know why this is. He doesn't really shop though, if he does he'll get jeans or a shirt.
6Ha, this is so funny! I just bought my bf some black briefs (trying to make him look like Becks
) over the weekend because he was too lazy to replace the ones he's had for, oh I don't know, over 5 years. Yeah, gross.
I also buy lots of boxers for him as holiday stocking stuffers. I like to think of it as gift to the both of us. He gets clean underwear, and I don't have to cringe every time he strips down!
7Yep, I buy the underwear in my family. I shop Target the most often between my husband and myself; so, it makes sense. Between our boys' underroos and diapers, usually you will find a pack of boxers for Big Poppa!
8This really doesn't surprise me at all.
9I've never had to buy his undies, but I did manage to talk him into getting some new ones when his old ones were literally falling off him.
10I gotta say, I buy my own panties, knowing when to overturn the undie drawer is a good thing.
My hubby buys his own!
11lol... my husband buys his own, and takes great pleasure in doing so. He would spend WAY too much on them if i let him, so i have to make sure he realizes we have a budget.
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