In a way, that's a trick question.
Although "mama's boy" has negative connotations (he was smothered or spoiled by mom), a man who was raised with love and affection by a mother with boundaries often grows up to be what the author of Raising Boys Without Men calls a "head and heart" person.
This positive version of a mama's boy, says Peggy Drexler, is in touch with his and others' emotions and knows how to communicate. (This is assuming the mother herself is connected to her emotions and is a good communicator — a big assumption.)
Have you ever dated a man who was close to his mother? Was he spoiled, expecting you to do everything dear ol' mom did? Was he smothered, one wig and a rocking chair away from being Norman Bates? Or did it help him to respect women and teach him to be connected to his feelings?
I had a serious crush on a guy I went to school with last year. Our dads worked together, so that gave us something to talk about. He was two years older and acted so much more mature than the rest of the senior class. Also he looked nice without a shirt on.
THEN I found out he went to Jazzercise with his mother and that she took pictures of him in his undies for his modeling book. Instant turn-off. There's nothing wrong with a guy being close to Mom, in fact, I prefer it. Generally boys who are closer to their moms are more chivalrous, respectful of women, and just all-around nice guys.
But there has to be a line somewhere, and it's right in front of "Mom, time for our photo sesh!"
1Jazzercise with mom would cause me to pause, Studio 16. But underwear modeling FOR mom? Uh, taxi!
2Ugh I dated someone like this. it was terrible. Well it wasn't his mother, but an aunt that had raised him.
3She was in her late 30s and he in his early 20s.
I broke up with him because he literally would smack her butt in front of me and said that how they got along. Every time he would be with me she would blow up his cell phone and if he didn't answer she'd call me to make sure he had a sweater. She would wash his clothes and even knew what kind of boxers he preferred. Weird. So I let him go. Because I realized that he wasn't ever going to chose me over her. All he needed was to sleep with her to make it official. lol. jk.
Yes, oh my gosh, I had no idea until we'd been dating for a couple of weeks. It's one of the weirdest experiences to be with a mama's boy. However, I will say that he was very respectful of women and he was very much in touch with his feelings. He's a nice guy too, still single I believe and he's 10 years older than me. If he could just get over his Mother he'd be a really great partner/lover/husband whatever.
4Yes, my hubby! He's very close to his mother. While there have been some cons, the positives outweigh them because he's a sweet guy.
5well there's the good kind of Mama's boy, and the bad kind. The good kind praises his mom, gets along with her, is neat in appearance, and respects women. The bad kind can't do anything without his mom's help or approval.
6My boyfriend kind of is. But definitely the good kind, not the bad. He has a really good/open relationship with her, and in turn is very respectful of me and women in general.
7He does have a few of the spoiled tendencies, for example, he didn't know how to use the washer when we first went away to college (Mom and Grandma live at bet he never even saw the inside of a washer before that!!) and he's a little handicapped when it comes time to make his own dinner. But it's nothing detrimental, or anything worth being frustrated over.
no! i would never even consider someone who is a mammas boy!! if i'm not number one in his life forget it!! your momma is no long the only woman in your life! she is number two to me! i've already explained that to my boyfriend, who is not a mammas boy
, and he knows the
law has been laid donw!!
8I wouldn't say that my boyfriend is a momma's boy (although they do have a very good/loving relationship that definitely helped teach him the right way to treat a lady!) but as the oldest son in an Italian family with both his mom and his nonna living at home he had a few of the spoiled tendencies when we first came to college.
He picked up real quick though, and in the last few months he's decided to make learning to cook his big project/goal ... and he said it's because when we're married I shouldn't have to do all the cooking all the time. He's a good boy :]
9I have and it was the worse relationship I ever had.
10I dont think the definiition of mama's boy is accurate. Most of the mama's boys that I have known (even dated a couple) were just so used to a life of pampering and privilege. They just felt I should so everything for them. a man who is in touch with what us women need is not a mama's boy, to me that makes him a real man, no matter the relation with his parents. Because if he is looking out for me it means I am number one
11And I'm still with him, five years later. My first love, and my last. The right kind of momma's boy knows how to treat a lady
12To me is very important that my future boyfriend has a relationship with his mother;however, I don't want someone that is in love with his mother. My uncle is so close to my grand mother that has been unable to have a healthy relationship with any woman. He use to compare his poor ex-wife with his mother all the time, when he had free time he went to see his mother instead of being with his wife. I definitely don't want someone that wants me to be like his mother, and that is so close to his mother that is unable to have a healthy relationship with women. But its also important for me that the person I'm with respects, love and care for his mother because I know the importance of having a close relationship with your family. As long as it does not goes to the extreme I'm fine.
13Ugh most annoying relationship I've ever had. Couldn't go one day without his mom calling him after work to see how/where he was...even though he still lived at home (we were 19 and going to college, living at home to save money, etc etc)
14such a huge problem; his mom forbid him from dating me, and took away privileges (we were in college and he was home for the summer), to the point that we could only e-mail. Sometimes. It didn't last too long after that.
15My partner still lives at home and his mum constantly calls him. If he doesn't pick up she'll call every. Five. Minutes. He's not a mummys boy but his mum certainly is protective.
16yes, omgiod, my ex boyfriend was SUCH a mama's boy it actually makes me nauseous to think about. they would fight constantly because they were so alike and yet he listened to every word she said and treat it as gospel even though he's a grown-ass man.
after we broke up, i thought we should try to make a go of it as friends, so we made plans to hang out. he was supposed to call me before he came over [just to watch football on tv] but he never did. when he came online that night, i asked him why he didn't just call even to tell me he wasn't coming and he said it was because his mom said it wasn't a good idea! he was nearly 24 years old at the time. mmhmm.
my current boyfriend loves his mother and it's true, they are very similar and sometimes bicker because of it. however, he has a mind of his own and thankfully she doesn't make decisions for him beyond what she's making us for Sunday dinner
17I dated a guy briefly who was a momma's boy....Very similiar to Lauraxtc's experience. Upon meeting his parents for the first time he smacked his mom's butt in public, in front of me. Not to mention that his mom would call.All.The.Time - and he picked up. He totally welcomed the pampering and the spoiling and didn't see a problem with taking me to every single family event and he had to be with his family 24/7. This male was in his mid/late 20s - and acted like a teenager as well. We lasted less than 6 months for obvious reasons.
19No actually, weird o: In fact they all had crappy relationships with their moms. I wonder if it's to do with the fact I have a bad relationship with mine as well? Hmm.
20ugh. i dated a boy who told his mom EVERYTHING. literally. like how we started having the bedroom...then when i met her...she told me how to "fix our problems"
21then, i came home one day to find them sitting on the couch, and her wearing my shoes.
still gives me nightmares.
My boyfriend's definitely not a momma's boy but in same ways she's had a bad influence. Don't get me wrong, she's a wonderful person. She just taught him, that men are uncapable of doing things around the house and women are meant to cook three times a day...Yeah, thanks a lot
22Once my EX-H stopped in the middle of us having sex because he mother called and he had to take the call...and actaully talked to her for 15 minutes !! Just one of the reasons he is an EX !!
23Im married to one. Its not THAT bad(yet, signs of it worsening) but he definitly takes her opnion like its gold. He tells her everything, pretty much, and she is first on his medical emergency contact list ... his mom, dad, the me his wife...hes almost thirty.....LAST!!
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