You know you've seen it. You might even be guilty of perpetrating it. I'm talking about what the site calls the "duck face," which they describe as something between a kissy face and a pout.
Anti-duckface seems to blame MySpace for hosting duckfaces, admonishing its pouters to, "Stop doing it. It isn't sexy."
All this prompted me to ask: why duckface? My theory is that it's a mock sexy face. People want to look sexy, but they also want to appear modest, so duckface is some weird (failed) compromise. In any case, here's to hoping this is the first nail in the coffin of duckface. It's time to end this blight to humanity.
haha this is funny. i always see people on fb make this face
1the site is hilarious and spot on
2yes please! stop it.
3it's definitely not sexy, and 100% lack of originality.
seriously, what's wrong with a natural, neutral expression?
i looked at the site and it looks like it's just girls making "kiss" faces (yes, that's also dumb) but i don't think it's any new phenomenon that deserves a new term.
4Oh my God, I know someone on that website! How sad.
5haha naomi! this site is great
6It actually makes me wonder about the history of the duckface trend... I doubt this sort of expression was as prevalent pre-myspace.
7not sexy, just really really sad.
8my favorite is when the girls think they look so hot doing it and in reality, they always look so stupid. It's called smile or don't smile. These are the only options you should use when taking a photo.
Difference between a pursing of the lips and a duckface. fyi
9Haha, I've only done that to be funny, not sexy! Seriously, Miley Cyrus makes that face. I can't feel sexy thinking that I'm looking the same as a 16 or 17 year old.
11Yeah, I agree - I've only made that face to look like a dork - I was in a bear costume at the time so there you go. It's definitely not sexy.
12I've never heard the term "duckface" before. I think it's the perfect word!
13Hmm, we always call it gangster face. And yes, it's not sexy - it's meant to look ridiculous, lol
14Oh my God, I hate that face. I see it all the time on Facebook and in pictures that I get sent for my school's yearbook. Another poster on here says she did it to be silly. The girls who're doing it in the pictures I get sent are not trying to be funny. They're serious. There's actually a cheerleader at school who makes that face when she's at the top of her formations during pep rallies and my best friends and I like to make fun of her for it afterwards. Seriously, it's not cute.
15lol i don't know many people who make this face but the ones who do make this face think it makes them look sexy.
16I believe it's called "Blue Steel."
17yay buzzsugar!!! this website is hilarious
18Haha Buzz! Love that movie
19lol, i HATE that face... my friend and I used to laugh hysterically at friends who do that face in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE... seriously, there is one girl where there isn't a picture on her cubicle or facebook/myspace where she isn't doing I don't like any of those, the model grimace, the duckface, or the pursed angelina jolie lips.. yuck
20There used to be this girl who would come out to the bars with my friends and I, and she would do this. We'd catch her staring at herself in the mirror behind the bartender or on the walls and she'd be making this face while blowing kisses to herself. We'd laugh so hard.
This is not sexy!
21Yay for this website! I know a few people who might definitely have their picture up.
22oh geez Miley Cyrus does that in every picture and it annoooooys me to no end.
23I wouldn't be shocked in the least if I were on that site... I've got several pictures of me doing it out there in cyberworld. And for the record, it ain't serious. I know it's ridiculous and annoying, but it's way different if someone's obviously doing it to look goofy versus someone who seriously believes that it looks sexy.
24i love this website soooooooooooo much. i love how many of the girls on there are a lovely shade of orange.
25I call this "emo face." I do it on occasion to take the piss out of something.
26I saw the website a couple days ago and laughed and laughed. I am guilty of the face, but in my defense it was years ago and I have reformed.
It reminds me of lost teenage years.
27I'm so glad this website wasn't around when I was 14.
28Oh nooo I am so guilty of this face...but I can change...i swear!
29Hah! This is so great I had to tweet this. I don't know how many times I have found myself browsing through pictures on a friends profile only to find every pictures exactly the same!
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