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You're Invited — Announcing Our Wedding Pinterest Contest!

Updated 06/07/12 4:30 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 3 comments

You can come to TrèsSugar for firsthand planning advice, etiquette tips, gorgeous new wedding trends, and much, much more to make your big day beautiful and authentic. Now it's your turn to inspire us! Build out your "Wedding Day Inspiration" Pinterest board and show us what you envision for your big day, from the decor details to the dress. We will then select our favorite board and give one lucky winner the opportunity to take the romantic getaway they've been dreaming of plus receive a Philips Zoom! professional teeth-whitening treatment. Our lucky winner will not only come away with a brilliant smile, but they also won't need to wait for the honeymoon to have a vacation!

To Enter:
1. Follow TrèsSugar on Pinterest
2. Create a Pinterest Board titled "Wedding Day Inspiration"
3. Build out your board with inspiration pinned from (minimum 15 pins, please)
4. Hashtag each of your pins with #Treswedding
5. Leave a comment on our contest announcement pin on Pinterest with a link to your "Wedding Day Inspiration" board!

Be sure to enter by June 30. We're excited to see your vision of the big day! Check out the official rules here. And see our featured weddings and ultimate wedding guide for ideas to pin!

If you don't have a Pinterest account yet, get an invitation here.

Tampon and Maxi Pad Ads: A Walk Down Memory Lane

Updated 06/04/12 2:01 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 9 comments

In the words of her mother, Betty, Sally Draper "became a woman" this week on Mad Men. During her date with former neighbor Glenn Bishop at the Museum of Natural History, Sally gets a stomach ache. She runs to the bathroom and discovers she's started her period. Next, Sally flees the bathroom and takes a $25 cab back to the Francis' haunted mansion and into her mother's arms. After trying to act older, drinking coffee, and talking about her "boyfriend" with stepmom, Megan, in Manhattan, when confronted with a literal sign of growing up, Sally Draper just wants to be with her mom. Betty shows a rare moment of maternal warmth, holding Sally and explaining that her period is nothing to be worried about; it simply means everything's working and that one day she can have a baby, Betty tells her daughter.

The mother-daughter interaction about Sally's "change" comes off as surprisingly healthy. But the tampon and maxi pad ads of the time didn't treat this natural bodily function with such a matter-of-fact attitude. Whether with a distraction (hey, look, a pretty dress!) or the rhetoric of freedom, advertisers tried to sell a product women have never really been thrilled to buy. Let's look at some vintage tampon and maxi pad ads, which women like Betty or Sally would have seen in their day.

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Unveiled: See Our Featured Weddings and Enter to Win a Getaway For Two!

Updated 06/07/12 11:16 AM · Posted by TresSugar · 0 comments

In case you haven't noticed, wedding season is here! And over the next few weeks, we will unveil beautifully distinct big days as a featured wedding of the week. The love stories and thoughtful details included in these real weddings are sure to inspire. You can come back each Thursday to see what wedding we will unveil next!

Lakeside Glamour Parisian Fête Vineyard Bash
Love in the Wild Sweethearts in Seattle Urban Sparkle

Plus, we're hosting a Pinterest contest to give you the chance to show us what details inspire you for your dream wedding. From the save-the-date to the dress, share with us your vision for the perfect big day. And the icing on the wedding cake? We're giving one lucky reader the chance to win a romantic getaway for two to unwind plus receive a Philips Zoom! professional teeth-whitening treatment. Our lucky winner will not only come away with a brilliant smile, but they also won't need to wait for the honeymoon to have a vacation! Click below for more details on how to enter.

Classy Ladies: 26 Actresses Who Are College Grads

Updated 06/05/12 10:42 AM · Posted by TresSugar · 7 comments

School's almost out for Summer. As kids enjoy sun-kissed freedom and new college grads look for jobs, these famous women may reminisce about their school days. While some of these women got their degrees before they hit it big, a chance to be normal is a common reason for celebs to put their careers aside and start college. What's not the norm? Graduating. Check out these 26 actresses who have.

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Source: Getty

Censored: Books Banned For Sexual Content

Updated 05/12/12 3:33 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 13 comments

E.L. James may have kicked off her Fifty Shades of Grey book tour in Miami, but don't expect to see the erotic book in every Florida library. Librarians in Florida, as well as Georgia and Wisconsin, took the series off the shelves for being semi-pornographic and not so well received by critics.

While book banning may sound like a throwback to Victorian times, censoring books continues to flourish in 21st-century schools and libraries. What's most surprising is a book can be removed from a curriculum, reading list, or school library with the complaint of just one parent. Violence, racial themes, and the occult are commonly cited reasons, but an even more popular one is sexual content. Check out these 11 books that have been removed from schools and libraries in the last two years, and tell us if you think there's ever a good reason to ban a book.

Source: Flickr User wheelo50411

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Celebrity Heartthrobs: Hotter Now or Then?

Updated 05/07/12 11:33 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 23 comments

Happy birthday, David Beckham! The steamy soccer player, underwear model, and family man turns 37 today! Some celebrity men — like David, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and McSteamy aka Patrick Dempsey — age like a fine wine, while others not so much. We've rounded up retro and new shots of some of Hollywood's hottest who have been in the spotlight for anywhere from a decade to several, to see how they've gone from boy wonder to mature man candy. So weigh in now: are these celebs hotter now or hotter then?

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Source: Getty

When Flight Attendants Glammed It Up

Updated 05/02/12 12:11 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 7 comments

Exactly 60 years ago today (May 2, 1952), the de Havilland DH 106 Comet was officially introduced as the world's first production commercial jet airliner with its inaugural flight from London to Johannesburg. Soon after that landmark flight came the flight attendants of the '60s, who have had a resurgence in popularity thanks to last year's big drama Pam Am. Some consider this era the glory years of air travel, when service was still good and passengers weren't herded like cattle. Some would also call it a time when stewardesses (the retro name for flight attendant) were treated as sex objects who were supposed to wait on you hand and foot and possibly hint at . . . other services. For a time, there was even a policy that only unmarried women could fill the job. Let's take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly in this flight attendant flashback.

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10 Films That Teach Us About Online Dating

Updated 04/30/12 11:20 AM · Posted by TresSugar · 0 comments

Whether you're on eHarmony,, and OKCupid all at once or could never put a profile out there, one thing is for sure: online dating is here to stay. Meeting people on the Internet is so ingrained in our culture, we can barely remember a time before chat rooms. Each of these movies about finding love on the web offers a specific message we can take away. And no matter if you're a fan of online dating or the whole thing creeps you out, these 10 films are sure to entertain.

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Would Reading This in Public Embarrass You?

Updated 04/27/12 2:11 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 21 comments

If it surprised you that S&M romance novel Fifty Shades of Grey reached number one on the New York Times best-seller list, it shouldn't. The romance category is the most profitable in publishing. Even so, we judge books by covers and people by what they read. At best, they impress; at worst, they repel. Thank goodness for Kindles! Previously, we asked which reads you didn't want to be seen in public with. We rounded up the books, series, and genres that embarrass you on the train, in the air, and at the park. Now you can be the judge!

Source: Flickr User Ed Yourdon

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