
How to Avoid 6 Common Friendship Faux Pas

Sunday marks Friendship Day; maybe it's time to freshen up your friendships?

Sunday marks Friendship Day; maybe it's time to freshen up your friendships? If you're in a bit of a friend rut or hope to improve your relationships, take a few simple steps to strengthen those connections. For advice on staying in touch, finding time, and making the most of special moments, take a look at these common friendship faux pas — and how to avoid them.

The faux pas: You're completely MIA.
The solution: Sure, life gets busy, but staying in touch doesn't have to be a full-time job. If your hectic schedule means you can't meet up for coffee or go out over the weekend, show your friend that you're thinking of her in a simpler way. Call her during your lunch break, text her a funny picture, or email her a quick update and let her know you'll follow up when you have more time on your hands. Even if you don't have lots of time, you can take advantage of the shorter bits of time you do have.

The faux pas: You flake on plans.
The solution: It's inevitable that every once in a while something comes up, and you'll have to ditch a friend date at the last minute — just don't turn it into a habit. Before you agree to a plan, take the time to be sure you can make it, and if you do need to cancel, call rather than text to show a little extra courtesy.

Keep reading for more ways to avoid friendship mistakes.


Porn, Virginity, Strippers, and Sex Addiction: 5 Sexy Films on Our Radar

Sure, in the coming months there are blockbusters and romantic comedies hitting theaters.

Sure, in the coming months there are blockbusters and romantic comedies hitting theaters. But there are also a handful of films daring to take on some heavy sex themes. Porn and sex addiction, strippers, and losing your virginity are some of the topics in these movies on our radar. Whether you're looking for a raunchy comedy to watch with your girls or a flick on relationships for date night, see what's hot on the horizon now:

The To Do List
Out Today

This weekend, grab your girlfriends and go see The To Do List. It's a female-centric, sex-positive, laugh-out-loud funny film about a girl (Aubrey Plaza) trying to lose her virginity the Summer before college. Did I mention it's set in the '90s? There are some bodily fluids and awkward sex scenes that are a little too relatable for any woman who's had less-than-ideal sexual exploits in her teen years. But that just makes it even funnier.

Click through for more sexy films to watch.


Get the Answers to Your Most Pressing Virginity Dilemmas

With The To Do List out today, we've got two things on the brain: virginity and the '90s (which, depending on when you "lost it," could be connected).

With The To Do List out today, we've got two things on the brain: virginity and the '90s (which, depending on when you "lost it," could be connected). We've had a lot of first-time-related questions brought up in our Group Therapy community, and our helpful readers have been quick to share their words of wisdom on the topic. See some of our most popular virginity dilemmas below, and click through for advice on everything from being a 40-year-old virgin to lying to your partner about not having sex!

Should I Say That I'm a Virgin on My Dating Profile?
"In some way, I feel like deleting it would be to shame myself ('Ha, I'm 21 and still a virgin, what a loser. Let me hide this information away, far, far away!') But on the other hand, I can see how it can be TMI."

My Fiancé Thinks I'm a Virgin, but I'm Not
"Out of fear of losing him, I made a horrible error and lied about my own sexual history. I told him that I, too, was a virgin and wanted to wait until marriage, when in fact, I had had sex with two other guys. It's now two years later and just over a month away from our wedding. Can I ever be forgiven if I continue this secret and never tell him?"

Keep reading for more virginity FAQs.


Were You a Virgin Going Into College?

The To Do List just hit theaters, starring Aubrey Plaza as a recent high school grad trying to lose her virginity before starting college.

The To Do List just hit theaters, starring Aubrey Plaza as a recent high school grad trying to lose her virginity before starting college. I'm happy to see a female-centric take on the popular plotline, but I wonder how realistic this scenario is. A mom recently made headlines with her Craigslist ad aimed at getting her son laid before starting Harvard, though that seems to be the exception, not the rule. The average age for both sexes to lose their V card (in the US) is 17 years old. But enough about stats and movies. When did you have sex for the first time — before, during, or after college?

Source: CBS Films

Sex in Water — Is It Safe?

Having sex in water sounds so sensual, doesn't it?

Having sex in water sounds so sensual, doesn't it? When you're swimming in a pool or lake, you're practically naked already, so why not slip off your bathing suit and get it on? But, wait: is it safe to have sex in water?

Not exactly. Lake, river, ocean, and pond water all contain bacteria. Having sex can introduce that bacteria into your vagina, which could put you at risk for infections that you don't want up there. Pool water, on the other hand, contains chemicals that could irritate your lady business.

Aside from health risks, the logistics just aren't with you on this one. Since lubrication is key when it comes to sex that feels good, you don't want to end up all washed out (literally). The water dissipates your natural moisture, so you're left with friction-filled sex that won't last long. What's worse is that if you're using a condom, the friction could cause a tear, and you won't be protected from pregnancy or STIs if the condom breaks.

What about sex while taking a bath or shower together?

Moving from smooching to screwing in the bath seems like a lovely plan, but the same lubrication problem you have in other bodies of water will arise in a bath, too. So what about doing it in the shower? Again, the water will wash away the wetness you make naturally, and we know that sex without enough lubrication feels awful. You could move to the end of the shower where the water isn't beating down, but you'll just end up chilly and with sore muscles from trying to have sex while standing.

My advice? Sex + water = no fun. So make love without the water.

— Additional reporting by Alexis Nordby


Pop Culture's Most Beloved Virgins

While The To Do List is the latest film dedicated to the plight of losing your virginity, the sex-positive flick starring Aubrey Plaza is a breath of fresh air for the genre.

While The To Do List is the latest film dedicated to the plight of losing your virginity, the sex-positive flick starring Aubrey Plaza is a breath of fresh air for the genre. We've seen a plethora of whole movie plots and characters developed around virginity — who's lost it, who hasn't, when you lost it, and how to lose it — but we're liking the more female-centric take. Even TV shows are now featuring more and more 20-something female virgins. From Shoshanna on Girls to April on Grey's Anatomy, the silver screen is proving that not all girls are having sex in high school, and that's OK. Maybe it'll encourage a more accepting attitude toward female virgins, as opposed to the infamously "way harsh" jab from Clueless: "You're a virgin . . . who can't drive." Let's look back at how some of the most notable onscreen virgins in film and TV lost their v-cards!


What to Do When You Don't Like Him Back

If a friend or co-worker is into you and you don't feel the same, it can be more than a little awkward to let him down.

If a friend or co-worker is into you and you don't feel the same, it can be more than a little awkward to let him down. Whether he's a lifelong pal, an acquaintance you'll be seeing around, or a guy who works just a few cubicles away, that common ground can make turning him down feel impossible. Still, that's no reason to pretend you're into him just because it's easier. Instead, follow these tips to say no under even the trickiest of circumstances:

Evaluate the Relationship
Before you reject any date offers, take the time to step back and consider your approach. If you're feeling 50/50 on whether or not you're interested, think about what you'd gain or lose by giving him a shot. Is it worth going on a date to see if sparks fly? Would he feel better if you at least gave it a chance? Or is he the type who'd rather not go through the motions if you know you're not into it?

Don't Dillydally
It's never polite to wait days before responding, but it's especially rude when you've been asked out by someone you already know. No matter what kind of news you'll be passing along, be respectful and make a point to reply the same day.

Pick the Right Medium to Communicate
If it's a friend who's casually texted to ask you out, it's perfectly fine to text him your response. Dealing with a co-worker? Don't IM him from 20 feet away. Instead, muster the courage to say something face-to-face — he'll appreciate that you were up front with him, and you'll avoid the awkwardness of seeing him just after you've messaged him with a refusal.

Set the Postrejection Tone
Chances are, he's going to feel a bit blue after you've turned him down, so it's on you to establish a normal, easygoing vibe. Smile and make small talk, but don't go overboard and shower him with attention, because that'll only rub salt in the wound. People tend to mimic the way they're treated, so do your best to treat him like a friendly acquaintance and hopefully, eventually, he'll be able to rise to the occasion himself.


'90s Songs to Bump 'n' Grind To

How do we love the '90s?

How do we love the '90s? Let us count the ways. It's a time that brought us Sex and the City, JTT, and along with them, sexy tunes that were off the racy charts. As The To Do List hits theaters this Friday, we're revisiting some of those jams, especially since the film revolves around a high school grad trying to lose her virginity in 1993. Below, we've rounded up 50 of the hottest, heaviest songs — and as it turns out, some are a lot dirtier than we remembered. Have a listen, and don't be surprised if you start blushing once you hit play.

  1. "I Wanna Sex You Up," Color Me Badd
  2. "Erotica," Madonna
  3. "Let's Talk About Sex," Salt-N-Pepa
  4. "Pony," Ginuwine
  5. "2 Become 1," Spice Girls
  6. "Me So Horny," 2 Live Crew
  7. "I'm Too Sexy," Right Said Fred
  8. "Knockin' da Boots," H-Town
  9. "Laid," James
  10. "Nobody," Keith Sweat ft. Athena Cage
  11. "Bump n' Grind," R. Kelly
  12. "Sex and Candy," Marcy Playground
  13. "Red Light Special," TLC

Keep reading for the rest of the songs and the Spotify playlist!


How to Play Cupid in 5 Simple Steps

You've been there — you have two single friends who are just perfect for each other.

You've been there — you have two single friends who are just perfect for each other. The only problem: they haven't met yet. Before you make like Cher Horowitz or Patti Stanger and try to set them up, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Read on for some meaningful matchmaking tips that will turn you from amateur to pro. Oh, what is that we hear? Wedding bells in the distance?

  • Think it through: Why, exactly, do you think your friends are good for each other? Is it just because they're both really good-looking people? At the very least, consider the basics, like interests and age, and make sure they line up before you make any moves.
  • Be honest: Tell them ahead of time what your plan is. The worst thing you could do is sneakily set them up on a blind date or confront them at the same time about getting together. Be up front and give them a chance to say "no thanks" if they're not comfortable with the idea.
  • Don't put pressure on them: Instead of making the meeting awkward or formal for everyone involved, have them meet in a low-key place. Plan a big hangout with friends either at your place or at a bar so they have the opportunity to talk with each other or mingle with other people if the match is a dud.
  • Manage your expectations: It could be love at first sight or they may not make it past "So, what do you do?" Sure, you want them to hit it off and make babies end up together, but what happens after you make the introduction is out of your control. Don't get offended if it doesn't work out, and let them know you love them no matter what the outcome.
  • Keep out: Yes, you're the one who set up the situation, but don't be nosy. It's OK to ask how they feel about the other person, but don't play middleman, and definitely don't gossip or spill secrets about the other person. Once the main work is done, it's time to step aside and let the situation run its course.