Why Does He Masturbate Instead of Having Sex With Me?


This post comes from Group Therapy in our TrèsSugar Community. Feel free to add your advice in the comments!

OK I am not one of those gals that doesn't believe in masturbation. But I am also not one of those gals that has a low libido. I would prefer to have sex every day if given the choice, but my partner and I only have sex a couple times a week.

Sometimes, when I get home from work, the front door will be locked. I know what this means — when I check his dirty laundry pile, I am guaranteed to find boxers freshly "christened" by him. I get so angry and irritated that I've grown completely obsessed by this. Why in the world is he choosing to masturbate instead of waiting to have sex with me? The sex we do have is really, really good, don't get me wrong, but I hate the fact that I want sex more and he masturbates instead! I'm trying to be logical, he's totally exhausted and usually asleep by the time I get the kids in bed.

Oh, and I can't talk with him about it — he goes berserk if I so much as bring it up! Should I just be grateful for the fact that we do have great sex a couple times a week and let it go for the health of our relationship and my sanity?

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Source: Getty
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