Funny Tweets by Women January 2014

Tweets Girls Say: Sexy Resolutions and Zumba Matchmaking

Tweets Girls Say is back and funny as ever. The ladies took to Twitter this week to address polar vortex, New Year's resolutions, and an assortment of inappropriate and hilarious topics. Read their tweets from the past seven days below, and for even more social love, follow us on Twitter!

Pro tip.

Best movie plot ever.


Excellent question.

I would pay to see this happen.

Mindy knows how to respond to controversy.

Poor penises.

Don't I know it.

Too late.

Loled at this one.

Sounds like a hot date night.

Pickup line?

Sexual predators just aren't what they used to be.

Because either is unacceptable.

Such a helpful fellow.

Sounded like a great story.

23 out of 24 ain't bad.

It's a sexy state, what can I say.

Sorry, suitors.

There's still time.

A handy guide.

Especially when you then pass out on your couch alone.

I get it.

Well, I mean.

Probably both.

Sad but true.

Not an easy choice.

Good one.

Source: Shutterstock
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