Books For Depression and Anxiety

"Can You Recommend Any Books For Depression and Anxiety?"

This question is from a Group Therapy post in our community. Add your advice in the comments!

My life is falling apart. I've been suffering from depression, severe insecurity, self-esteem issues, and anxiety for years and years. My long-term relationship is suffering, and I don't know if there is anything left of it to salvage. I've moved out and back home. While I am finally seeking professional help, I'm having to wait a month between appointments and am still waiting for a psych assessment. Can anyone relate? I'm currently seeking books and other resources that could be of help to me in between appointments. I'm looking for self-help books on depression, anxiety, and relationships or any activities or other resources I could access that might keep me sane right now.

Have a dilemma of your own? Post it anonymously in Group Therapy for advice.

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