We're happy to present this excerpt from one of our favorite sites, HowAboutWe. You might just have to rethink your answer to one of dating's most common questions.
It's one of the quintessential (and sometimes dreaded) first date questions: What kind of music are you into?
There's a reason that most people tend to side-step this question with a deft, "A little bit of everything." It's because your taste in music reveals a lot about you to potential partners.
(Read part 2 of this list here.)
Here’s the breakdown:
Bruce Springsteen: You're a monster in the sack.
Rod Stewart: You're gross.
David Bowie: You're selective, but slutty.
Jay Z: You don’t take any sh*t. Or at least you know that you're not supposed to.
Beastie Boys: You believe that loyalty is rewarded.
Arcade Fire: You spend the first third of a relationship in a romantic frenzy and the last two trying to justify it.
The Ramones: Unless you’re over 40, you’re trying to be cool.
Rush: You're a man. And a nerdy one at that.
Led Zeppelin: If you're a woman, you're hot. If you're a guy, you're average.
AC/DC: If you're a woman, you're the kind of person who lets a guy move in with you after three dates because he's temporarily homeless. If you're a guy, you're temporarily homeless.
My Chemical Romance: You’re not so much looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend as someone to share a “f*ckyeahsuperheroeskissing” Tumblr with.
The Pixies: Relax. You're cool.
Talking Heads: You're a good person.
Stevie Wonder: You're husband/wife material.
For more revelations, head to HowAboutWe: What Your Taste in Music Says About You on a Date
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