Marriage Isn't For You Article

Why Marriage Isn't For You

If you've been on Facebook in the last 24 hours, chances are you've seen the blog post Marriage Isn’t For You popping up everywhere. The article isn't exactly what you'd think just by reading the headline, though. The author — a writer named Seth Adam Smith — is actually married to the woman of his dreams but argues that marriage isn't for you because it's not about you.

He says, "No, a true marriage (and true love) is never about you. It’s about the person you love — their wants, their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. Selfishness demands, 'What’s in it for me?' while Love asks, 'What can I give?'"

It's clear that Smith makes some points we can all agree on about being selfless when you love someone. But the notion that marriage ties your own happiness to the happiness of your partner is causing quite the controversy. For one, self-fulfillment gets brushed aside for the idea that you need to "make" someone happy by leaving behind the "I" for "we." And then there's the suggestion that our partners need us to be happy when both adults in the relationship should be capable of making themselves happy.

If anything, the post gives us a lot to think and talk about. Where do you stand?

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