Books That Are Hard to Finish

Reader Beware: Books We Couldn't Finish

Reader Beware: Books We Couldn't Finish

It takes determination, probably pride, and lots of time to persevere through a book you don't hit it off with. (You might be going through that right now since it's National Reading Month.) Sometimes we finish and it's worth it; other times, it's not. A little while back, Goodreads released an infographic on the psychology of book abandonment, listing these five as the top most abandoned books on the site:

  • JK Rowling's The Casual Vacancy
  • E L James's Fifty Shades of Grey
  • Stieg Larsson's The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
  • Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love
  • Gregory Maguire's Wicked

You agreed with some of these selections when we asked what books you cut loose, but you also shared a plethora of other books that were hard to finish. On a Facebook post, your unfinished reads included City of Bones, Freedom, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Outlander. Now check out our list of books we just can't seem to turn the final page on, and share yours in the comments!

— Additional reporting by Tara Block

Source: Shutterstock
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