Englishwoman Caroline Cartwright likes to be loud when she makes love — so loud that her "unnatural" screams that sounded like "murder" and which were heard by the neighborhood children and postman got her convicted for a statutory noise violation.
Cartwright tried to appeal the conviction on grounds that it violated her right to privacy, but a magistrate upheld the conviction. The court reasoned:
"It certainly was intrusive and constituted a statutory nuisance. It was clearly of a very disturbing nature and it was also compounded by the duration — this was not a one-off, it went on for hours at a time. It is further compounded by the frequency of the episode, virtually every night."
Well, now we know that Caroline was having hours-long sex almost every night. Not bad! While I'm sure none of you would get a noise violation for your sexual screams, do you consider yourself loud in bed?
Source: Getty
I can be depending on how hard and fast he goes, but usually I'm pretty quiet. I kind of have to be considering my mom's in the next room, and I live in an apartment so I have neighbors.
1Very rarely. You don't have to be loud to enjoy yourself.
2I am, and I can't help it. I try to be quiet, but it rarely works!
3I make some noise, but nothing that would make the neighbours complain!
4Sometimes, but it's not a noise violation.
5Last week, I don't know, I got in the mood to be really loud (it happens - it's very exultory to let it all out!) - and I lost my voice afterwards, like you do after yelling at a concert for hours or when you have laryngitis. Everyone was so concerned I was getting sick, it was really embarrassing!
6Loud is fun but there is a limit! My best friends had a roommate one summer who they described as making that fake porn noise that just isn't natural and none of us can imagine that any guy could possibly find it sexy because it just sounds too fake! It just makes me want to say to any guy that hears that from a girl, "trust me guy, you are NOT that good." haha!
7Sometimes. But, I have kids, so I have to muffle myself.
8i am if it is good,hard and fast i have to be quiet sometimes though cause my dad is in the other room
9I can't help it!
10Yes, because it's that good.
11Did you see her husband? I'd be screaming if that was having sex with me, too!
OK, sorry. Lame and kind of mean attempt at a joke.
Anyway, I'm still a virgin, so I can't say firsthand. But my best friend's parents were on vacation and there was a couple above them screaming. Not a couple moans and ohgods here and there. Apparently the woman was making really sharp, puncturing shrieks every five seconds or so and the man was screaming really creepy stuff. Her parents wound up calling the front desk.
12I can be when I am in a hotel with my Bf or we are alone in our place.
But we do have neighbors so I try to watch myself.
When I was younger I was too loud, so loud that neighbors did complain with every right. I wouldn't want my kids hearing some horny asses getting down in dirty either. lol.
Now I am more discreet but I still make noise.
13Sometimes yes and sometimes no! IT all depends on the mood and the sex!
14I think a lot of noise is false and due to the porn industry; it has a lot to answer for. But, yes, I make some noise too!
15Only occassionally. I usually try to keep quiet because my dogs (who we lock out of the bedroom) will start barking and crying if I make any moans or noise. But sometimes it's so good, you just can't help it!
16I'm not loud at all, but when the sex is really good i do let her know.
17Hell yes I'm loud, but if I know that others can hear, like in a thin-walled apartment building, I try to be considerate. It's like the golden rule of screaming orgasms.
18Yeah I'm loud. No ones called the cops on me yet.
19I can get loud, but I do try to keep it to a minimum because we live in an apartment where the walls are pretty crappily thin.
20I think I'm just average.
21Haha maybe too loud even.
If the walls are thin or people
might hear sometimes he'll have to gag me. I can't help it!
22yea, i an loud, but since my daughter told me that her and boyfriend heard me out inthe yard, i try to keep it down.
hall of shame here i come
23Yes, quite. I have more fun when I let loose and don't worry about monitoring my volume. That being said, I do try to stuff my face into the pillow if my roomie's in bed next door cos she's a really light sleeper.
24i'm sorry but i'm very loud like i am i say myy mans whole name outt i even talk like i don't know but yes i am loud
25I usually am more likely to get off if i'm comfortable and let go, including muffling myself. So if its good yes.
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