You're Having Better Sex Than Porn Stars
You're Having Better Sex Than Porn Stars
We're happy to present this excerpt from one of our favorite sites, AskMen. Lucas Wisenthal explains why your sex life is better than whatever you've been comparing it to.
Most of us will never sleep with a porn star, but we're not missing out on much. Sure, videos show actors and actresses thrusting their way through a series of superhuman sex acts that culminate in the proverbial money shot. But their moans, groans and facial expressions are deceptive. And their stamina is not actually endless.
As a recent thread on Reddit revealed, pornography may be more of an act than even its most die-hard fans had imagined. The effortless, satisfying sex we see on screen is the product of hours of shooting and many, many takes, all of them choreographed to a tee. Actors start and stop — and start and stop again — while an entire film crew looks on, silently pressuring them to wrap a scene so that everyone can get lunch.
Though movies may have led you to believe otherwise, you are, in fact, having far better sex than porn stars. Here are the reasons why.