Word du Jour: Boss Lady

Updated 07/18/09 6:21 PM · Posted by TresSugar · 12 comments

Perhaps it’s too early to reclaim a word that has yet to enter the lexicon the way “b*tch” did, but I would argue “boss lady” comes close.

It’s dating expert Rachel Greenwald’s word for a successful woman who doesn’t tone down her confident and opinionated self on dates. If you're a boss lady, according to Greenwald, it's the number one reason “he didn’t call you back.” (Oh, brother.)

The author of (you guessed it) Why He Didn’t Call You Back, interviewed thousands of apparently insecure men who told her this was the number-one type of woman they would never call back. So, uh, that means if you’re a boss lady — pretend to be someone you’re not in order to snag someone who doesn’t like who you are!

This proud boss lady right here says — good riddance to a man who needs to me say “I think” and “maybe” so he doesn’t shrink in fear. (Are we living in the ‘50s?) I've dated plenty of men who loved my moxie, and the best dating advice I can think of is "Be yourself!" Other gems of advice from Greenwald? Dress like a woman (whatever that means), don’t state too many opinions, and don’t text on your BlackBerry before your date arrives lest he sees you’re busy and (egads!) are gainfully employed.

Are you a boss lady? Would you revert to ‘50s-era ideals of femininity so that he calls you back?

Source: Getty
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