Group Therapy Google Plus Community
Submit Your Date Ideas to Our New Group Therapy!
We have a new spot for you to ask all your burning questions about relationships, dating, and more: it's our Group Therapy Google+ community! Whether you're confused about an on-again-off-again relationship, dealing with divorce, reigniting your marriage or relationship, figuring out how to tell your crush you like him before he slips away, or looking for online dating tips, you can use this group to glean advice from those who've been there. And since it's a private group, only fellow members can see what you write. To kick things off, we're asking you to share your date ideas in Group Therapy.
To begin, follow us on Google+ and join our private Group Therapy community. We'll then approve your request, and you can choose the topic you want to post about from the options along the left. In this case, you'll choose date ideas. Then just post your best date idea!