Funny Tweets About Body Image
Because Sometimes Tweets About Body Image Can Be Funny

We love it when women can take important issues and crack jokes that resonate even with the toughest crowds. That's why all year we've been bringing you hilarious weekly Tweets Girls Say roundups on everything from sex and food to dating in the digital age . This time around, let's look back at 2013's most memorable tweets on body image. Yes, it's a sensitive subject, but the funniest women online remind us that sometimes, you just gotta laugh about it.
The heart warming journey of a young single woman learning to love her upper arms... Sleeveless in Seattle.
— Alex Anderson Conrad (@Sashalaa) October 20, 2013
Butterface is not a negative to me as I'm usually more insecure about my body so thank you.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) May 30, 2013
Was feeling pretty good about myself then I tried on clothes and now I'm trying to figure out how to tell my mom she'll never have grandkids
— Heidi Selover (@happilyheidi) November 20, 2013
My thighs touch because they're still deeply in love.
— Julieanne Smolinski (@BoobsRadley) November 13, 2013